
Tuesday, 18 September 2012

WWE Night of Champions 2012

The build for the main title matches in this PPV have been really good, the C M Punk & Paul Heyman angle has some great potential and the banning of the Brogue Kick for the World title match has been a nice little twist to the story. Outside of that, the tag team title match has changed about 3 times but I have a feeling the Kofi – Truth vs Kane & Bryan match will be really cool. Then the rest of the matches have very little to no real build. Ok there are only the divas, intercontinental and US title matches and let’s face it they have very little impact. Then of course the Orton vs. Ziggler match which should be truly amazing to see.

Cole is joined at ringside for commentary by the WRESTLING GOD himself John Bradshaw Layfield (JBL). This will be a fun entertaining show I think with that addition.

Match 1 – Fatal Four Way for the INTERCONTINENTAL Championship
The Miz (c) vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Sin Cara

All these guys are really good wrestlers, maybe Sin Cara could do with some more experience in a WWE ring but otherwise he too is very talented. With the 2 masked luchadors involved there could be plenty of high flying moves in this match and Cody not being a stranger to high flying moves himself. The Miz isn’t the so big on the high flying but is a great talker and has some really cool moves in his arsenal.

The Miz pins Cody Rhodes after hitting the skull crushing finale on Cody after Sin Cara covered Miz’s face with a mask. Quite a good match for a 4 way match, sometimes can be a bit bland but they had a pretty fun little match there. Good signs for the rest of the card.

The Primetime Players are with Eve (DAMN FINE) complaining that they should be challenging for the tag team titles when a stage hand approaches and tells Eve that there is an emergency. She follows and it turns out that Kaitlyn has been attacked and hurt her ankle (go figure), Eve and trainer carry her off. May I just note how bad an actress Kaitlyn is right now.

Match 2 – Tag Team Championship Match
Kofi Kingston & R-Truth (c) Vs. Kane & Daniel Bryan
I have the feeling this match is going to be hilarious. Would like to see the title change hands here as I feel Truth and Kofi are a tad stale at this point and could easily go onto other things as individuals. The Bryan / Kane dynamic is interesting and has been one of the most entertaining things on Raw as of late just for the comic value of it.

Some great double team moves from Bryan and Kane, then when things go south they hug it out, which is hilarious. JBL’s comments on it are also rather funny. Kane goes up for the clothesline but Bryan pushes him off onto Kofi and this allows Kane to get the 3 count and Bryan and Kane win the tag team titles. They begin to argue and the crowd is chanting “Hug it out”, Kane hits the pryo and leaves. Ok so this match just buried the now former tag team champs but it didn’t help this story line continue.

Teddy Long and Booker T, are talking and Eve comes in, tells them that Kaitlyn is not going to be able to compete for the Divas title. Booker decides to have Eve challenge instead. Everyone leaves.

Match 3 – United States Championship Match
Antonio Cesaro (c) with Aksana (DAMN FINE) vs Zack Ryder

Zack Ryder won the pre show battle royal to gain this title shot, at least it gives Ryder the PPV bonus, I really like Cesaro and with Aksana being his manager I really can get with his character too. Ryder I’m not such a fan of, just can’t get into him at all, he simply doesn’t entertain me unlike Aksana. It is a shame that Cesaro cannot do a lot of the moves he used to use in ROH as they are either taken by other wrestlers or he simply isn’t strong enough to do them to everyone on the roster.

Cesaro hits the Neutralizer on Ryder to retain the US title. Good match for what it was and we get to see Cesaro retain the belt which is a good move.

Otunga & Del Rio in the back, Ricardo walks in and they shout at him for not having his neck brace on.

Match 4 – Randy Orton vs Dolph Ziggler with Vickie G

This is going to be brilliant!!! Just have that feeling. Two guys are are just amazing at what they do in the ring, both generally give a great show regardless of whether they are on the winning or losing end of the match itself.

Both guys really going back and forth in this match, both hitting their signature moves and really bringing all they have to the match. “Lets go Ziggler” chants in the building. Orton manages to hit the hangman DDT on the outside barricade, and soon after follows with an RKO for the win.

Really good match, certainly what you expected from these two guys, match was very fluid and both guys just looked great!! Ziggler as usual sold everything like he had been shot and Orton was just, well, Orton!! What else do you need?

Match 5 – Divas Championship Match
Layla (c) vs. Eve

In all honesty, I simply do not care, except for the fact that Eve is GAW-JAUS!!
Eve manages to win after a modified neckbreaker.

Kane and Daniel Bryan arguing again, AJ and the Doc are there too, Kane ends up dumping a bucket of water over them all, declares he is going to Disneyland and leaves. Rather odd segment.

Match 6 – World Heavyweight title match
Sheamus (c) vs Alberto Del Rio

This has been built really well, with the whole David Otunga involvement, to ban the brogue kick from WWE. The sad thing is the angle is really faulty as the brogue kick isn’t the only move that Sheamus has used as a finish; he has used the high cross power bomb and on occasion used the cloverleaf, so it isn’t like they banned his only finishing move. However they have really gone for broke on this angle and are really trying to push it, which is a good thing as both these guys have had some great matches with each other over the last couple of months.  

Booker T comes out and says that he is allowing the brogue kick in the match, Otunga then gets drilled by the brogue kick leading to him being carried out by referees.  

Great part when Sheamus goes for the brogue kick but Del Rio avoids, pushes Sheamus into the corner and follows it through with an enziguri kick, was very nice. However this isn’t good enough as Sheamus hits a brogue kick to win the match.

Quite a shame they unbanned the brogue kick before the match, should have kept it banned and showed that Sheamus can win without it as he used to. Otherwise a good match, I am a big Del Rio fan, so I am sorry for the biased opinion that really he should have the belt at this point, deserves it after all the hard work he has put in to this feud.

Match 7 – WWE Championship
C M Punk (c) vs. John Cena

Brilliant build up to this match, some really good promos, segments and even matches. It will also be interesting to see how Paul Heyman gets involved. Not liking the heel turn that they are doing with C M Punk, think he could easily have stayed as a good guy, but I hope this leads to him facing the Rock at the royal rumble, I think I could forgive them then and I also think it would be a great match.

We start with Heyman in the ring funnily enough; he says he will be at ringside to watch the match, he says he is there to respect the champion. Then both wrestlers hit the ring and we have our main event.  It may just be the sound on the ppv itself but the crowd seem very 50/50, more so than usual and that in itself is quite interesting.

Cena goes out of his comfort zone and dives through the middle rope straight into Punk who was on the outside, quite refreshing that! Then Punk hitting the Rock Bottom on John Cena was certainly another shock. Cena hits a German suplex on C M Punk to get the 3 count for the WWE championship. Then however the ref takes the belt from Cena and declares that because both guys’ shoulders were on the mat then the match is a draw and C M Punk retains the title.

Cena argues with the ref and then turns around and gets smashed in the face with the WWE title by Punk.  A bit of a shite way to end the PPV but guess that pushes the heel turn more, with the poke at the Rock too I’m really hoping this leads to them having a match.

I quite enjoyed the PPV and I look forward to seeing what they do going forward. J

Catch you next time. Peace.

Monday, 10 September 2012

Expendables 2

What can I say about this movie, it is a HUGE cheesefest, the dialogue, the cast and the action combine to just make an awesome action flick that you should never take too seriously.
I could just go spoiler crazy here but will try to hold off, the film has some really good dialogue and some great fight scenes too. Let me give you a few reasons to watch this movie:

1.       Chuck “fucking” Norris

2.       Arnie

3.       VAN DAMME!!

4.       Cheesey stereotyped quotes

My personal review of Van Damme’s performance is this, as good as it was, for me anyway, it didn’t beat the ice cold refreshment of a coors light. ;-). Joking aside he was really good and looked in great shape too, a perfect bad guy, which to my knowledge isn’t something he is known for. The appearances by Arnie, Norris and Willis are really fun and not to be taken seriously, their dialogue is as typecast as it could possibly be and just makes this film fun despite an attempt at times to make it a tad too serious.

The only real disspapointmen for me were the lack of any “Universal Soldier” references and if there were I was too slow to catch them, since you had both the main characters in the movie and ironically on opposing sides in reverse. Other than that minor dispute I really really enjoyed this movie for what it is, a really cheese layered action flick.