
Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Wrestlemania 28 Review

Wrestlemania 28 review
Before I get into the show itself I would just like to express my sadness, my sorrow and my overall disappointment this year as this is the 1st Wrestlemania event since Wrestlemania 19 that I haven’t watched live on the night and on top of that this is the first Wrestlemania that I haven’t watched with my main man 12lve-Pac Luke Thorpe. So as much as I am looking forward to watching this show and sharing my thoughts on it, I am at the same time quite sad, just wanted you to know.

Segment 1
Lillian Garcia sings the national anthem, I am not strictly a fan of the song but Lillian seems to make it appealing to me, then again, she is appealing to me.

Match # 1 World Heavyweight Title Match
Daniel Bryan (c) vs Sheamus
The match that was relegated from last year’s Wrestlemania show is now the opening match this year and also for the World Heavyweight Championship as the “Royal Rumble” winner’s main event. It is worth noting that this is the 2nd year in a row that the Royal Rumble “main event” has been demoted to the opening match on the card. Sheamus is in first followed by Bryan, with AJ (who is just hot). This match has had a good build up, both men have been on a roll as of late, both really getting into their latest evolutions of their characters.

A BROGUE KICK!!! 1,2,3 and Sheamus wins the World Title, what the hell, didn’t realise that the World title had been kicked down to ECW title levels. I can’t even rate that match as it didn’t even go over 3 minutes, in fact it lasted 18 seconds. Not a good way to open up your biggest event of the year!

Segement 2
Team Johnny is in their locker room and Miz is giving it the big talk but no one else cares, Otunga is in to introduce Johnny, who is wearing one hell of a nice suit, completely white except for the red tie. Gives his team a pep talk, god he is boring.

Match # 2 KANE vs Randy Orton
I am looking forward to this match, it’s just a shame that Kane is being used as a filler for Wade Barrett and that Kane has been jobbed out to pretty much everyone he has faced since coming back with his new / old look. Now Orton’s in, goes straight on the attack throwing some punches as Kane, but the monster quickly recovers and gets some shots in himself. Orton goes for the DDT but Kane launches Orton onto the ring ropes and hits a big boot to Orton’s head, Kane locks in a sleeper hold but Orton recovers and both men trade blows with Kane coming out on top.

This match hasn’t been given the build up that Cena vs Kane was given, their build up actually made Kane look dominant, unlike this build up that has made Kane look a bit of a bitch. Randy drops Kane with an neck breaker but only gets a 2 count, Kane reverses to come back with a suplex but he only gets the 2 count and another sleeper applied by Kane for Orton to recover from. Orton reverses the sidewalk slam and hits Kane with the backbreaker, Orton comeback combination (WWE 12 REFERENCE THERE) and Orton goes right back for the ring rope DDT and this time connects.

Orton sets Kane up for the DDT but Kane counters with a big boot to the face, gets a 2 count, then decides to go for the big clothesline from the top rope, Orton gets him with a dropkick,  Orton goes for the Punt kick and Kane gets the chokeslam but only gets a 2 count himself. Again back and forth between the two with Kane on the top rope, Kane grabs Orton and chokeslams him from the top rope for the 3 count!!

I am immensely shocked that they jobbed out Orton here, Kane hasn’t been made to look dominant at all leading to this match, I am very glad he got the win here, he needed a big win like this just to confirm he is a monster heel to everyone.

Segement 3
Santino Marella and Mick Foley talking to some guy in the back, thinking he from “DEADLIEST CATCH”, they enjoying some nice fish with Mr. Socko and Cobra, but Ron Simmons is here with some words of advice “DAMN”

Match # 3 Intercontinental Championship
Cody Rhodes (c) vs Big Show
I love Cody, think the guy is amazing, however he needs to drop the belt now and there is no shame to lose it to the Big Show. His run has become a bit stale, to the same level that Dolph Ziggler’s US title reign became.

Cody runs from the Big Show however Big Show gets Cody cornered and begins to throw him round like a ragdoll, sits him in the corner and stink faces poor Cody. Show goes for the splash but Cody escapes and begins his assault on the Big Show, aiming for Big Show’s knee with a dropkick to get the big man down, aiming for the leg Cody is just picking apart the Big Show. Show manages a comeback but Cody hits the Beautiful disaster kick, goes for a 2nd but gets hit with a spear from Big Show. Big Show throws the WMD at Cody and wins the Intercontinental championship.

Good match, Cody got his offence in and it was about time Big Show got a title again, also I hear that this now means that Big Show has held all singles title in WWE.

Match # 4 Kelly Kelly / Maria Menounous vs Beth Phoenix / Eve
Well Kelly Kelly and Eve start the match off, after getting the advantage Kelly tags in Maria to do a double team stink face on Eve. Eve gets the momentum going and gets Maria in hold, Eve reaches out and tags in Beth, who now thinks she is Chris Jericho and throws the “ASK HER” remark. Eve gets tagged back in and so does Kelly Kelly, who clears house.

Kelly Kelly just hit the “Molly – go –round”
Maria gets the pin on Beth!

Segment # 4
HBK is with Matt Striker in the back. Shawn says how he has the power to end an era.

Jim Ross gets brought to commentary for the next match, he has a goatee!

Match # 5 Hell in a Cell Match
Undertaker Vs Triple H with Special Referee Shawn Michaels
I must admit to not being a fan of overwhelmingly long promos, so I pretty much have not watched any of the build up for this match. All I know is that Undertaker has shaved his head, which I am interested to see. A Hell in a cell match at Wrestlemania is unusual but if any two men can use it to really blow their match up it is HHH and Taker.

No over theatrical entrance from Triple H this year, that’s unusual, I guess they are letting the Hell in a Cell speak for itself. Triple H is looking ripped, very 2002. Now the Undertaker makes his entrance, you might as well go make a coffee, nothing is going to happen for at least 25 minutes, quite liking his entrance attire, it is very Shogun inspired. He lifts off the hood to reveal the new hairdo, actually quite suits him. The cell lowers while to two stare each other down.
JR reminds people of what I like to remind people of, the Undertaker hasn’t won as many Hell In a Cells as Triple H. Both men kick off with a barrage of strikes, with Undertaker getting the advantage. Taker just beating HHH round the cell like he is nothing, looking really quite angry while he does it too. Taker hits the old-school clothesline from the top rope, then takes HHH back outside and hits him in the face with the ring steps, sets him up and drops the big leg drop off the ring apron.

Triple H hits a quick DDT to get some momentum going in this match, trys for a pedigree on the steel steps but Undertaker back body drops Triple H off the steps into the ring. Taker goes right back on the assault, however Triple H reverses into a spine buster on the ring steps, as Triple H goes for the Undertaker, he locks in the Hell’s gate submission but Triple H manages to lift him up this year and drop Undertaker on his back. Triple H leaves the ring and goes for a chair, attacks the Undertaker with it, then sets up the steps in the corner and throws Undertaker into them before throwing them out of the ring.

Triple H again attacks the Undertakers back with the chair, HBK throws out the chair, and Triple H grabs another and continues his attack on the spine of the Undertaker, he goes for the cover but only gets a 2 count. Triple H goes and gets the sledgehammer from under the ring; HBK and Triple H argue in the ring until Triple H nails Undertaker with the sledgehammer and again goes for the cover but again only gets a 2 count. Triple H goes for another big shot but HBK throws out the hammer.

HBK goes in for a look on Undertaker but he too gets locked in the Hell’s gate submission, Triple H breaks the hold by dropping a sledgehammer on Undertaker, Triple H checks on HBK but turns into a low blow from Taker and then another Hell’s gate submission, But Shawn is out in the corner.

Charles Robinson runs to the ring to get inside the cell to ref the match, just as Taker hits the chokeslam and goes for the cover but only gets a 2 count, so Taker chokeslams poor Charles Robinson. Taker goes for the Tombstone on HHH but HBK hits him with Sweet Chin Music, he turns to get a pedigree too from HHH and he goes for the cover but only gets a 2 count, Triple H again goes for the hammer but HBK stops him only to get thrown out of the ring by HHH. Taker sits up and begins to beat on Triple H with the Undertaker comeback (ANOTHER WWE 12 REFERENCE THERE), he hits Triple H with the Tombstone but he only gets a 2 count.

Both men are back up and trading blows, Triple H hits the pedigree again on the Undertaker but again only gets a 2 count. Undertaker again sits back up, and crawls towards the chair, but HHH has crawled towards the hammer, Undertaker stops HHH from getting the hammer and clobbers him with the chair again and again. Now HBK stops Taker from smashing HHH with the chair, neither of these guys want to let this match finish do they? Triple H goes for the hammer shot but Taker cuts him off, HHH gives him the crotch chop and then Taker smashes him with the hammer and signals for another Tombstone and we get a 3 count. Undertaker is 20-0.

WOW!! What a match, that was pretty damn good, much better than last years match, both men look fucked! Undertaker’s back is a mess. Phenomenal match and that isn’t even near the main event yet!!  

D.S.C EXTRA NOTE: I bet Ryan is crying bout about now as I would bet he would have been saying non-stop that HHH was going to win this match. What a MARK!! (Love you Ryan ;-)

Segment # 5
The HALL OF FAME class of 2012 all appear on the ramp.
Flo Rida meets Heath Slater and it’s not interesting.

Match # 6 Team Johnny vs Team Teddy
I hope this match doesn’t go on too long, no match with the Great Khali should go on very long, at least we get to see both the Bella sisters and Aksana. ;-)

Kofi Kingston and Dolph Ziggler start the match off, some nice quick paced action, Kofi tags in R-Truth who continues the momentum on Ziggler. Dolph tags in Drew McIntyre, was he fired like 60 times over the last few months? R-truth tags in Khali who hits Drew with a Big Show style chest chop and then tags in Booker T to keep beating on Drew, at least he getting the PPV bonus cheque at least. Thanks to Otunga, McIntyre gets the advantage and tags out to Jack Swagger.

Swagger tags in Mark Henry and now Booker is going to get his wig split, oh no as Henry tags in the Miz and look at Aksana, she is pouring her heart out!! Miz tags Dolph back in.

Quote of the night is from the King when he is talking about Vickie “She’s been on more manhunts then the FBI!” We love you King. Henry hits the World’s strongest slam on Booker, then Khali hits him with the Brain Chop and now it all begins to break down and even Vickie and Aksana begin cat fighting on the outside. Booker tags in Santino and he begins slapping around the Miz, he hits the diving head butt and then goes for the Cobra on Miz and hits it, Dolph breaks up the pin fall only for Zack Ryder to get the tag and hits the Rough Ryder on Ziggler, Eve is out and accidentally distracts the ref and Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale for the 3 count...... Eve is trying to play it up but then low blows Zack Ryder then struts off, I like Eve, she is hot.

Segment #6
Johnny meets CM Punk and he tells Punk that he wants to see some good wrestling and decides that if Punk gets DQ’d then he will lose his title to Jericho.

Match # 7 WWE Championship Match
CM Punk (c) vs Chris Jericho
A new even more sparkly coat from Chris Jericho, may I just say how much I would love to have that coat, could use it for my Tuesday night poker games he also has BEST IN THE WORLD written on his trunks. These guys have had an immense build up and despite the Jericho return nosedive it has the potential to be truly awesome.

Punk just beating on Jericho in the early going, Jericho even throwing some sly comments to try and get Punk to lose his temper and get DQ’d. Punk heads up top for the elbow drop but Jericho rolls out of the ring but Punk launches himself to the outside instead, Jericho throws another comment but Punk doesn’t fall for it but Jericho hits a kick to start building some momentum. Now Jericho is on the attack and suplexes Punk to the outside and then brings him back in and hits him with a butterfly backbreaker. Punk tries to come back but Jericho hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on Punk.

Jericho working on the back and neck of Punk, he goes for the running bulldog but Punk reverses it throwing Jericho into the corner. Punk comes back and hits a nice neck breaker on Jericho, goes for the cover but only gets a 2 count, Punk hits the knee strike in the corner and goes for the Bulldog but Jericho reverses it into a Lionsault that Punk reverses but Jericho avoids it and goes for the Walls of Jericho, but again Punk reverses. He slams Jericho and goes up for the elbow drop, this time Jericho counters and Punk lands on the outside of the ring. Jericho throws him back in but Punk captures Jericho with a GTS and connects, crawls in for the cover but Jericho gets his foot on the bottom rope to break up the count.

Punk hits Jericho with some nice kicks and follows it up with a powerslam. Jericho comes back and hits the lionsault but only gets a 2 count from that assault, Jericho goes up to the top, Punk stops him and tries to go for a hurricanrana but Jericho reverses into a Walls of Jericho! Punk reaches the bottom rope though and breaks the hold, Punk back to his feet and throws Jericho to the outside, he eyes Jericho up for a suicide dive and hits it, and he follows it up with another knee strike to Jericho but against the ring post. Both men back in the ring, Punk springboards at Jericho but Jericho lashes out with the Codebreaker on Punk, he covers but only gets a 2 count. Jericho again going up to the top rope but Punk catches him with a kick, picks up Jericho with the GTS but Jericho reverses again into the Walls of Jericho, Punk crawls towards the ropes, Jericho moves back into the middle of the ring, Punk reverses into a pin but Jericho Kicks out.

Punk locks in the Anaconda Vice on Jericho, another reversal from Jericho, but Punk locks in the vice again and he taps out. Wow!! A LOT OF REVERSALS! Was exhausting watching it. Brilliant match, not sure Punk winning was the right move, yet this match was still very good.

Segment # 8
We getting some Funkasaurus on Wrestlemania. He calls his momma and we get some dancing.

This has been a year in the build and lord knows how many in the making. This is as big if not bigger than The Rock vs Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania 18 and 10 years later we get to see another generations collide just instead of it being the 80’s/90’s vs the Attitude Era its now the Attitude Era vs The PG era.

MGK with some blonde fitty sings invincible, I really like it actually, got it downloading as I write this, Cena is out with a new GREEN t-shirt. I CAN SEE YOU JOHN!!!! Rise above the hate people, Cena is awesome; this is going to be immense. Flo Rida is out to perform some music and I still don’t care. The Rock is finally here and he is looking in great shape.

Both men stare down but you can hear the chants from the crowd, firmly behind The Rock. They lock up and Cena does the Hogan throw, only missing a muscle flex at the end. We can hear a let’s go Cena / Cena sucks chant. Another tie up but this time The Rock gets the advantage, Rock gets a headlock on Cena and Rock switches and we get a nice arm drag combo and a near pin fall on Cena. Rock goes for the sharpshooter but Cena rolls out of the ring, as Cena tries to get back in The Rock kicks Cena but Cena quickly recovers and hits a shoulder charge in the corner on the Rock, followed by a huge clothesline.

Cena goes for a bear hug on the floor but Rock comebacks back but gets thrown over the ropes by Cena. John Cena throws Rock into the announcers table and gets back in the ring, but quickly comes back out to pull Rock back into the ring where he hits a belly to belly side slam on the ring and traps in the bear hug again. The rock breaks the hold and counters with the DDT, leading to Rocky teasing the peoples elbow but Cena reverses it and goes for the Cena comeback (YOU SEE WHAT I KEEP DOING THERE) before going for the 5 knuckle shuffle which connects. Cena looking for the AA but Rock counters but both men hit each other with a clothesline for the rest.

Both men up by 7, trading blows back and forth, Rock goes for the spit punch but gets the AA for his trouble but only gets a 2 count, Cena goes to pick Rock up and gets a Rock Bottom, but Rock only gets a 2 count. Cena goes up top and drops the leg on the back of the Rock’s head but again only gets a 2 count for his trouble. Cena runs at Rock, but gets speared and then locked into the sharpshooter submission by the Rock, yet he crawls to the bottom rope forcing the break, he pulls Cena back and locks him back into the sharpshooter and again he forces the break.

The Rock gets Cena on the outside and launches him into the ring steps, he throws Cena back in but Cena quickly comes back and locks in the STF on the Rock and Cena pulls the same trick as the Rock and pulls him back into the centre of the ring, he begins fading and the ref drops the hand two times but as we get to the third The Rock gets his wind back and he crawls to the ropes to force the break.

Rock back to his feet first so gets the initial volley against Cena, but Cena starts to fire back but The Rock levels him with the spine buster and tosses out the elbow pad for the peoples elbow, hits with the elbow but only gets a 2 count from the cover. Cena rolls up the Rock, but gets a 2 count and now both men are down. Cena launches the Rock into the turnbuckle and goes for another roll up but again only hits the 2 count, Cena puts Rocky into the corner and on the top rope, Cena sets him up for the suplex but Rock fights back and now Rock goes up and hits the splash but Cena rolls through and hits the AA on the Rock!!! Only gets a 2 count though.

Now Cena teases the peoples elbow but gets Rock Bottomed and the Rock gets the 3 count and the win!!

Hmmm, not sure what to say about that to be honest. I don’t think that was the right call, The Rock needed to lay down for Cena really. Basically just buried the entire WWE roster by saying their top guy can’t beat a guy who has wrestled two times in the last 8 odd years, really disagree with The Rock getting the win there!! Overall though that was an excellent PPV much better than last year’s Wrestlemania and hopefully this feud won’t end there and we will see some good fallout for the next PPV.

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