
Thursday, 24 May 2012

Over the Limit 2012

Haven't really had a chance to write a full review for this PPV, so just did a brief recap and some of my own thoughts. Maybe for NO WAY OUT I will get some more free time. Thanks

I didn’t even know this PPV was on, hence why I am behind getting this up. Sorry! L

1st match – WWE Tag Team championship
R-Truth & Kofi Kingston (c) vs. Swaggler (Jack Swagger & Dolph Ziggler)
Unfortunately I lost a lot of interest in the tag division after JERI-SHOW lost the tag titles, there hasn’t been any other team giving me a reason to care about this division and the booking of it hasn’t helped either. The main point in this match for me is that Dolph Ziggler should be main eventing and he has somehow dropped down to jobber for the likes of Brodus Clay, which is a damn shame cause the man is simply brilliant at his job. Kofi and Truth I don’t really have a problem with, think Kofi is where he should be in the card and Truth never really connected with me personally. Swagger should be doing better than what he is, if his microphone skills were a bit better he could easily be top tier.

Kofi pins Ziggler after hitting trouble in Paradise. Champions retain the titles. This is sad, Ziggler shouldn’t be jobbing to Kofi Kingston, and however this is my humble opinion.

Backstage –
Eve and David Otunga tell Tyler Rex and Curt Hawkins to confiscate signs that they deem offensive to Johnny Ace

2nd Match – Divas Championship Match
Layla (c) vs. Beth Phoenix
Must admit I do like Beth Phoenix, she is gook looking and obviously can slap bitches around and that’s what I like. I don’t really like Layla, she is a good looking woman don’t get me wrong but as a wrestler she just doesn’t get me interested.

Layla hits the neck breaker for the win, retaining the Divas title match. Fairly good match for a Divas match even on a PPV.

Backstage –
Matt Striker talks to Randy Orton about when he face Sheamus on Smackdown. Chris Jericho enters and tells Orton that he will win the World Championship.

3rd Match – World Heavyweight Championship Match
Sheamus (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho
I like everyone in this match no exceptions. Huge Chris Jericho fan, very big on Alberto Del Rio, really enjoy Orton’s work and Sheamus is growing on me more and more all the time.

Chris Jericho hasn’t been as good in my opinion though since his return this year, at first the silence and teasing was brilliant but once he actually began his program with Punk the whole thing just fell apart for me, not taking anything away from their matches because they were brilliant but I just feel like it is a bit half arsed.

Randy Orton, have been a big fan of his since 2009 when he was in the Legacy and was becoming “the viper”, his matches were good and his character suited the heel persona he had. Now i must admit the face turn has hurt the character, but he had gotten to a point where people don’t want to hate him anymore, so we have to face facts he is going to be face for some time.

Sheamus has grown on me, when he first arrived I couldn’t really stand him, but when he started getting more main event matches and some bigger profile matches I began to enjoy his work a bit more. Love the brogue Kick and I am enjoying the fact he now incorporating more of Finlay’s moves into his arsenal such as the actual “Celtic Cross” and the standing senton splash.

Alberto Del Rio has impressed me since his first match, you would think that the same tactics used in every match would bore me but somehow it doesn’t when Del Rio does it. Always look forward to him hitting the arm bar.

 Sheamus pins Jericho after hitting White Noise (Finlay’s Celtic Cross) and retains the WORLD TITLE. Was a brilliant match, everyone got their moment in the match, think it was a good choice to have Sheamus retain.

Backstage –
Eve and Cody Rhodes talking, Christian interrupts and tells Cody he will be facing him for the IC title tonight.

4th Match –
The Miz vs Brodus Clay
OMG, this is hilarious, how the Miz has fallen, he gone from headlining Wrestlemania 27 with John Cena and retaining the WWE championship to jobbing to this guy!! Actually it can get worse, the Miz dancing like Jacko, thank god Brodus came out.

I found Brodus interesting for about two minutes and now I am not so sure anymore, he is already boring me. The Miz on the other hand has dropped down the rankings like a rock, this time a year ago Brodus would have been jobbing to Miz and it’s a shame to see Miz now just jobbing.

Brodus Clay pins The Miz after hitting him with the splash. What a shame. L

5th Match – Intercontinental Match
Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Christian
It’s great to see Christian back, I really like him, prefer him face rather than heel. I am quite a fan of Cody too, hoping this match will lead him to getting a shot at the World Title somewhere down the line, think he deserves it, however the null hypothesis on that idea is that he will end up like Ziggler, which would be truly unjust.

Christian hits the “Killswitch” for the win and gains the Intercontinental championship. This is also the 2nd PPV in a row that a returning superstar has been put straight into a title match and wins the belt.

Backstage –
Josh Matthews talks to CM Punk, asking him how he is feeling. AJ comes in an wishes him luck.... God she is hot!!!

6th Match – WWE Championship Match
CM Punk (c) vs. Daniel Bryan
All I can say is “YES! YES! YES!”, but the question is: is YES the new WHAT. Let’s face it, these guys are just awesome, both have worked very hard to get to where they are, both men are respected and beloved by the crowds and audience.

Been a fan of CM Punk since he joined the Nexus in 2011, must admit to not being really taken by him until then and like his move set a lot, with the addition of the Macho Man elbow drop.

Only recently become a fan of D Bryan and only because of the YES chanting to be honest and I DO NOT like the LeBell Lock being renamed the YES lock, sounds awful.

CM Punk beats Daniel Bryan with a roll up to retain the WWE Championship; however Punk did tap to the YES Lock, just after the 3 count was completed. Brilliant match, upto this point must be the best match of the night and I can’t imagine it getting any better.

Backstage –
Eve and Otunga talk to Teddy Long and they exchange insults.

7th Match –
Comacho vs Goldberg..... I mean Ryback
Huge Goldberg chant from the crowd. Don’t like the gimmick, it sucks.

Ryback wins, obviously, however we did get to see a little more from him in this match, unlike his previous matches it wasn’t all over in 5 seconds and was good to see him actually take a hit this time.

8th match –
Johnny Ace vs John Cena
Ok, this match just sees Johnny getting the stuffing beaten out of him. Cena beats him round to the announcers table where he sets him up to do some commentary, where Johnny gets a hilarious Booker T quote in before getting thrown back in the ring by Cena, who then locks him in the STF for 10 seconds two times before heading out to grab a drink of water, which he then pours all over Johnny Ace and then proceeds to bring in a fire extinguisher and shoots it at Johnny. He then dumps the trash bin on top of Johnny’s head and as Cena stops Johnny’s escape he gets blindsided and thrown into the ring steps.

Johnny Ace now in control of Cena and brings the steel chair in the ring and begins to level Cena with it. Cena quickly recovers and stars to smack Johnny Ace around once again using the chair for a 5 knuckle shuffle; Johnny however comes back with a low blow as Cena goes to pick him up. Johnny then escapes only to be cut off by the Big Show, who takes Johnny back to the ring, he gets up and Cena sets him up for the AA but Big Show Kos Cena with the WMD and Johnny Ace crawls over and gets the 3 count win.

Hilarious, I didn’t actually see that coming I must admit but hadn’t paid much attention to what was going on with Big Show.

A bit annoyed that this was the main event, but guess it had to be, we saw some good matches from the World Champion and WWE champion, then a Big Show heel turn, Christian’s return and IC title win. Will be interesting to see what happens next. Take care folks; any questions... keep them to yourself ;-)

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