
Sunday, 11 December 2016

Arkham Horror: The Card Game – 4 Player Review – The Midnight Masks

Ok, so I mentioned in my last post that I would continue with the campaign with my friend Stuart, however my friends Josh and Shaun expressed an interest in jumping in to give the game a try. So Josh took the helm of my Roland deck and my mate Shaun opted to use Wendy. There was the temptation to go back and replay the 1st scenario with them so they could get a feel for the game play, but we opted to just add them in as per the rules with a basic deck each.

So we set the scenario up as instructed in the campaign guide and made all needed changes to the board such as discarding the house as due to the result of the 1st scenario, my house was sadly burned to the ground. I had played through the second scenario on my own before we sat down to play as a team, so I could at least be in an informed position. To recap, at this stage I am playing as Skids and Stuart is playing as Daisy.

Act 1 – Uncovering the Conspiracy

Straight away we are at the disadvantage here as we require 8 clues between us to get the top card of the cultist deck revealed, you may think this would be an easy feat with 4 of us being able to move around and investigate, however you would be mistaken for almost as soon as the encounter deck started to hinder our investigations, lock us down with enemies and generally make our lives difficult, our entire game plan fell to pieces. We soon found the first Agenda “Predator or Prey?” activating as the DOOM threshold was met and the second Agenda “Time is Running Short” activated. We found the DOOM tokens quickly piled up and we were unable to fulfil the objective on the Act card in time before the Agenda deck reached its goal.

Josh at one stage was trying to fight 3 bad guys on his own; I was attempting to kill off the cultists who were driving the DOOM counters, while Shaun and Stuart were trying to obtain as many clues as they could. The game gave a sense of separation here and a continued sense of impending doom, with so many obstacles being thrown at us.

The midnight hour arrived and we had finished the second scenario. Sadly 5 of the 6 cultists got away meaning our position moving into the next scenario is already looking bleak. I sadly drew Skids weakness, Hospital Debts, which I was unable to get rid of and this cost me two experience points at the end of the scenario, meaning I gained no experience from this run through. The others all gained two experience points to take into the next scenario “The Devourer Below”. The experience points came from the one defeated cultist and one location where all the clues had been discovered.

Points to note:

The 2 player run through certainly upped the difficulty of the game due to the encounter deck throwing out more cards per player, this really showed in the 4 player run through and we felt like there was no way we could complete the objective set out by the Act card.

I do feel there could be a balance here, with the optimum number of players being 2, this allows both players to pick up the slack of the other while fewer cards are being played from the encounter deck pushing the agenda forward.

With the second scenario being considerably shorter act wise than the first scenario, this report is considerably smaller than my previous reports and I must apologise for that.

We won’t be playing the third scenario in the campaign until after Christmas now, due to work commitments and time commitments over the holiday period. But as soon as we have managed to play the third scenario I will be able to post a full review of the scenario and the campaign on the whole. I will also get the views of the other chaps playing with me and see how they feel about the experience of Arkham Horror: The Card Game.

You can catch me on Twitter @bigboss010 and Instagram @bigbosstp010.

Thank you for reading, I’m Big Boss.... I’m out..... Peace.

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Arkham Horror: The Card Game – Two player game – The Gathering

Ok, so following my single player attempt at playing through Arkham Horror: The Card Game, I managed to convince my friend Stuart to give the game a go with me. I allowed Stuart to select a character to play as; he opted to play as Daisy (Seeker class) and following that I then selected to play as Skids (Rogue class). Just as my single player experience, we set up the first scenario as described in the learn to play guide and set to work at discovering the mysteries of the mythos.

I will admit to having the edge this time having already played through the campaign in the single player game, however this was a great chance to see how adding an additional player to the game would impact the difficulty and the impact of the encounter deck.

Act 1: Study:

Of course this part of the game became harder with having two investigators in the room, however despite the encounter deck throwing out two bad guys to fight me managed to avoid them and escape the study within 2 turns. Both of us advancing to the next step in the scenario pretty much injury free.

Act 2: Hallway / Attic / Basement:

This part of the game was actually considerably easier than I thought it would be as both of us managed to secure a room each to uncover the clues there, also managing to set ourselves up for a bit of a fight as I knew what was coming up in the next part of the scenario. We then moved back into the hallway with our 6 clues to complete Act 2.

Act 3: Hallway / Attic / Basement / Parlor:

Thank god I had back up In this instance, Stu managed to move into the parlor to negotiate the inclusion of our mysterious red-headed ally in the fight against the “Ghoul Priest” and this move probably resulted in us finishing the scenario alive. It took our allies aid, a machete and a successful attack to finish off the “Ghoul Priest”, this allowed us to complete the scenario.

This played very differently than my single player experience, for multiple reasons too. The chaos bag always throws a spanner in the works, however this time I drew the Elder Symbol on two occasions allowing me to gain the resources I needed to use my ability, spend 2 resources to gain an action and boy did I use them to my advantage. Stuart’s character was really useful for the investigation elements of the scenario and I pretty much handled the fighting. I allowed Stuart to select our ending as I knew what would happen already. He opted for ending 1, which meant we burned our house down to stop the evil trying to break into our world from escaping.

After having a discussion about what to do next, Stuart and I opted to continue the campaign at a later date with the existing characters, experience and traumas we had accrued while playing this scenario. We both had gained 5 experience points to use with our characters, and this allowed us to make a couple of adjustments to our decks before packing away until we next get a chance to play. I am quite looking forward to moving forward in the campaign and how the game develops in the next step of the campaign story.

Don’t worry, I will be posting a report of the next phase of the campaign once it has been played out. If you are interested in giving this game a go, I recommend getting yourself to Watchtower Games in Crewe or to your local friendly gaming store and see if this is the type of game you can get into.

Thanks for reading.

I’m Big Boss..... I’m out..... Peace.

Saturday, 12 November 2016

Arkham Horror: The Card Game - 1 player review - Chapter 1 - The Gathering.

Ok so following the huge level of excitement building up to the release of this game, I finally have a copy in my possession. I opted to build the Roland Banks starter deck recommended by the learn to play guide and decided to give the game a go in the 1 player format mainly to get a feel for the game and how it played, once I can confirm a set number of people interested in doing an actual campaign game I will actually start noting experience points. Please note I have not gone into too much detail about the story as I don't want to spoil the plot.

The Study:

So the game starts with your character locked in a study while investigating the strange goings on in Arkham, I figured I wanted to run through the game with a great deal of haste as to avoid the impending dangers of the Encounter deck. Sadly I did end up having an enemy in the study with me, but managed to escape the study before the bad guy managed to attack me, so all was good.

The Hallway / Attic / Basement:

Ok so I did my best to run through chapter 2 of this mission, however the encounter deck threw me a couple of big curveballs which really hindered me and I also forgot my characters ability which would have helped me to no end during my investigations in the basement. However with a bit of damage and some mental trauma I managed to get enough clues to move forward in the mission.

The Hallway / Attic / Basement / Parlor:

Ok so I hadn’t really thought too much about my health and mental trauma until this part of the game, but boy did it come crashing home that I needed to act fast to stop myself being killed! However luck actually sided with me and despite the encounter deck really throwing me some bad luck I managed to injure the “boss” of the game the Ghoul Priest with an attack, move to the adjacent location and blow up the room containing the Ghoul Priest which allowed me to finish the first part of the Night of the Zealot campaign.

I did have a quick peak of the results from the game, for example how much experience I would have had and the result of the game. Sadly my investigator ended up going insane, which was a bit sad. However I found the experience quite interesting and I am looking forward to playing it with another player to try and expand on the co-operative element of the game.

The Good:

1.       Really enjoyed how I was taking a beating, it felt like I was actually fighting against the mythos with a good chance of them actually beating me back and that was quite refreshing when compared to games like Warhammer 40,000 Conquest, where I could avoid taking damage.

2.       The chaos bag really brought a new level to my experience, even when I took on a test where I had little chance of failing, I still managed to pull the instant loss token.

3.       The guardian class, thank god they have an explosive that allows you to deal 3 points of damage to everything in the current room or adjacent room! That single card pretty much allowed me to survive the game.

The Bad:

1.       As my pal Chris pointed out when he wrote a bit about the game, the box is a little out of place, you would think Fantasy Flight would come up with a suitable box for a game like this. I would think something like the DC deck building game or the Resident Evil deck building game would make sense.

2.       Too many tokens, feels like I spent at least 20 minutes separating the tokens out and I still am unaware of what a couple of them are even for.

3.       I understand that the actions are limited to 3 for a reason; however I actually felt like I only really used the move and investigate actions during my investigation.

To conclude, just from the quick run through I played with Rowland Banks, I am now sure I want to play as Skids O’Toole moving forward, I like the combat element of the guardian and the fact it saved my skin at the end, however I really want to play as the rogue class too, so this fits in perfectly with Skids deck restrictions.

I am hoping to actually get a campaign together with a couple of mates and give this game a real spin and maybe even ramp up the difficulty once I have gotten a real feel for the game. Fingers crossed we wont fall victim to mythos in the process.

Thanks for reading, if you are interested in getting into Arkham Horror: The Card Game, then I would get yourself down to Watchtower Games in Crewe or to your friendly local gaming store to try the game for yourself.

I’m Big Boss.... I’m out... Peace

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

My excitement for Arkham Horror : The Card Game

The impending release of this game has provided me with a muse to write a piece.

Since I heard about this game I have been anxiously awaiting its release, I even picked up the complete works of H.P Lovecraft from iBooks for 40p (Bargain btw) and since then I have read pretty much everything anybody has written about this game.

What attracts me to this game?

Well that’s easily answered, I love the concept of the mythos behind the stories Lovecraft wrote, The Ancient Ones, mysterious ghouls and cults working behind the scenes to bring Armageddon to the world. The fact the characters in the books are just people, no sign of a superhero or heroine anywhere, just regular people who often don’t make it out alive after being exposed to the mythos. The idea of jumping into this universe and being able to delve into the darkness of the mythos is too an exciting prospect.

What am I most looking forward to about playing Arkham Horror: The Card Game?

After the article from Fantasy Flight Games discussing the classes of characters you are able to play as in the game itself I salivated at the thought of playing as the Rogue or Survivor class characters. As the game tries to bring the RPG format to an LCG game, the ability to submerse yourself in a single character and be involved in how the game actually progresses or your character progresses through the game itself. The Survivor and Rogue classes most appealed to me.

The Rogue class (Skids O'Toole) feels like a good fit for the character I would like to portray, a character that is able and willing to help the team effort, however is really out to advance their own agenda in the process. 


While the survivor class (Wendy Adams) I find appealing as it utilises the human desire to live and from just reading the cards I dare to spoil for myself I can see this class being a lot of fun to pilot.

What am I not looking forward to about playing Arkham Horror: The Card Game?

I have a feeling this game may just end up being a consistent 1-2 player game for me and I am a little worried about the replay value from the core box alone. I am interested in picking up the first cycle at least to see how the game develops in the first almost critical cycle. Another thing that worries me is the chaos token bag; I have always found myself at odds with games that have a HUGE luck factor involved in them such as Warhammer 40,000. The randomness is often a real hindrance to peoples play experience and all the planning / thought that went to their army list or deck construction. However this is also an exciting element and brings a real feel of the horrors that await you in the game and I figure that’s what the game developers wanted from this.

The game is due out in the UK on the 10th November 2016 by all accounts and I am pumped to say the least. I am hoping it becomes a game I want to buy into, maybe even convince my mates to jump in with me and enjoy the campaign team game.

I am planning on doing a review of the games first campaign part once I have my own copy of the game and I am able to see how it all plays out.

if you are interested in learning more about this game then check out the game page on the Fantasy Flight website - link below.

Till then…. I’m Big Boss…. I’m out…. Peace!!

Monday, 12 September 2016

The End of Warhammer 40,000 Conquest

Well the 9th September 2016 will be remembered for a long time I feel, Fantasy Flight Games, the producers of Warhammer 40,000 Conquest: The Living Card Game announced that they were ending their relationship with Games Workshop. This simply means that Fantasy Flight Games will no longer be producing games or products relating to any Games Workshop material such as Warhammer or Warhammer 40,000. This article concluded that once all currently announced products have been released that there will be no more new products announced or released.

To bring it back into focus, this means that once the Deathworld Cycle is completed, there will be no more Warhammer 40,000 Conquest releases and after the World Championship event there will be no more tournament kits released either.

When I first read the press release from Fantasy Flight, I was almost baron of emotions and it took a good couple of hours to sink in that this game was going to be over soon. I started to get a little upset; I have experienced the end of games before; WWE Raw Deal and Vs System (the original version). I know the feeling our pouring yourself into a game, then watching helplessly as it suddenly disappears, for it to become an all encompassing part of your life and to suddenly end. It’s rather anti-climatic in all honesty and all a little silly, truth be told.

When Raw Deal stopped production it wasn’t that big of a deal, the game had all but ended anyway and with the rebrand into Raw Deal Revolution, the games attempt to stay alive was nothing more than a fools errand and everyone knew it. Vs System was another game that by the time the game actually ended I had not been fully involved in a while. Following Upper Deck Entertainment dropping the license with DC Comics, the Vs System became solely a Marvel franchise and that caused it to lose its appeal to me.

Warhammer 40,000 Conquest has been a major part of my life since it was released, I hounded all my mates until pretty much all of them bought into it and it has been almost an addiction since then. I sit at work on my breaks and lunches reading about conquest. I sit during evenings messing about with my decks trying to improve on them or come up with some new ideas and then try to play as often as possible. What will happen when this game is finally done and there are no more ideas, no new concepts? I have no idea.

Looking towards the future there are options of course, we have already existing card games to maybe buy into, such as Magic: The Gathering or a blast from the past in Yu Gi Oh. However there are new games that are potential new obsessions such as Arkham Horror: The Card Game which is due to be released in October 2016. But I guess time will tell. I don’t think anything will truly be able to replace Warhammer 40,000 Conquest as a game, I feel its mechanics are amazing and the actual source material used to add the story to the game is fantastic and out of all the games I have played in my life, this is probably the best one.

There is a wonderful world of games out there and I going to be on the lookout for new things to play. Conquest I feel has truly set the bar for card games moving forward and should I decide to buy into the Arkham Horror game it has some big shoes to fill.

I’m Big Boss..... I’m Out.... Peace!

Sunday, 28 August 2016

Warhammer 40,000 Conquest LCG – Watchtower Games 27/8/2016 Summer Kit Event.

Ok I had already been to an event earlier this week and I had already won the main prize for this event so I didn’t want to turn up with anything too serious however I didn’t want to run something too soft. I had tempted fate and I built a Nahumekh deck built with an ELITE focus. I had only played one game with this deck before this event so I hadn’t really got much of a true idea of how the deck would work. It turned out not as well as I would have hoped.
The deck I took was as follows:
Total Cards: (50)
1x Nahumekh (Legions of Death)
Army Unit: (27)
4x Destroyer Cultist (Legions of Death)
3x Firedrake Terminators (The Threat Beyond)
3x Immortal Loyalist (Jungles of Nectavus)
2x Nightshade Interceptor (Legions of Death)
3x Rogue Trader (Core Set)
3x Venomous Fiend (Legions of Death)
3x Void Pirate (Core Set)
3x Warriors of Gidrim (Legions of Death)
3x Wildrider Vyper (What Lurks Below)
Attachment: (4)
1x The Staff of Command (Legions of Death)
3x Promotion (Core Set)
Event: (13)
2x Hate (Legions of Death)
3x Backlash (Legions of Death)
1x Extermination (Legions of Death)
1x Fall Back (Core Set)
3x Mechanical Enhancement (Legions of Death)
3x Reanimation Protocol (Legions of Death)
Support: (6)
1x Obedience (Legions of Death)
3x STC Fragment (Legions of Death)
2x Shroud Cruiser (Jungles of Nectavus)
As I hadn’t really played much with this deck at this point I wasn’t really aware of what I should keep and what I should change moving forward but this event was a great opportunity to do so.  We had an 8 player turnout for this event which isn’t as strong as previous events but some people simply weren’t able to get there this time. Still a strong turnout I think.
Round 1: Vs. Richard Watkins (Eldorath Starbane)
This game did not go as expected, Richard started really strong out of the gate and managed to win command pretty consistently during the first couple of turns, however the team of my Venomous Fiend and Nahumekh managed to clear them out and I quickly found myself with the dream team of Elite units out on the board and enough firepower to pick up the win myself. Richard is very new to the game and I still think this game could have gone either way, I think had we replayed this game it could have been different. However I managed to pick up the win this time.
Win – 1-0.
Round 2: Vs Joshua Johnson (Ku’Gath Plaguefather)
Now this went badly from turn one, I never got out of the gate, I think I only managed to get 1 elite out the whole game and I didn’t see an STC Fragment until the second to last turn of the game. We joked as my first game with Nahumekh was against this exact same deck and it went very differently, in fact it went the opposite with Josh not really getting my leverage and me picking up the win. So a bit of payback there for Josh. J
Loss – 1-1
Round 3: Vs Martin Smitherman (Urien Rakarth)
Now, again, another game where I never got out of the gate, I got one elite out turn 1 and he quickly removed that with Power From Pain and I never recovered. I had no cards in my hand but never saw any of my elites until the final rounds command step. I love Urien Rakarth and I do think moving forward in an elite heavy meta he will see more play as he can quickly work around those elite builds.
Loss – 1-2
Sadly not good enough to get into the top 4 cut with this result. However I did already have the prizes so I guess it was more for testing out the deck. I have already made some massive changes to the deck so moving forward I am hoping to have a bit more success. Was a good day though and I enjoyed the games I had, I really enjoyed the games I had after the event too and they were a bit of a laugh.
Another fun event put on by Watchtower Games in Crewe and anyone interested in gaming should certainly check them out. You can follow me on Twitter @bigboss010 and Instagram @bigbosstp010. Thanks for reading.
I’m Big Boss, I’m out.... Peace.

Saturday, 13 August 2016

Warhammer 40,000 UK Nationals – 12th August 2016

This is my first national tournament for Conquest; I am hoping it will not be my last either. The tournament saw 51 players enter and sadly due to this, the top cut was lowered from 16 to 8. I went with the Packmaster Kith deck that I took to the Lincoln regional event, just with a few updates in the deck and I felt that these changes really did help me get the record that I did. Noted changes to the deck were the removal of the Bloodied Reavers for 3 copies of Murder of Razorwings and the removal of Suffering for 3 copies of Thousand Cuts. I opted to go for a more card choke variant of the deck instead my original resource choke variation.

Round 1. – Vs. Swarmlord (Sorry cannot remember my opponents name)

This game started off so well for me and then a couple of really stupid mistakes cost me the whole thing. I used Archons Terror as a shield on a planet that I really didn’t need to win and the  I dropped a Warpstorm at the same planet when I should have waited for his nearly dead Synapse creature to return to HQ before playing it. My opponent had no cards in hand but enough resources to keep powering up his Termagent Horde equipped with the Ymgarl Factor to a point where I just couldn’t kill it and I opted to throw in the towel at that point. This was a real shame because had I not thrown away my Archons Terror so foolishly I probably would have won there.

Loss 0-1

Round 2. – Vs Subject Omega (Sadly I cannot remember this chaps name either)

This game went much better for me, I didn’t throw away my key events as shields in this game, I dominated the command pretty early on and a key placed Warpstorm bloodied Subject Omega himself and the Stalking Liktor Synapse creature too. My opponent had no hand and a few resources but I didn’t allow my opponent to power up his Ymgarl Factor.

Win 1-1

Round 3. Vs Epistolary Vezuel (Ben Davis)

Ben admitted after the end of this game that he made a couple of very critical mistakes during the first turn and he was never able to recover. I dominated the first two planets while hindering my opponent’s resource economy and after bloodying Vezuel on the 2nd turn, Ben decided to call it there. A very short game and sadly Vezuel never really got going.

Win 2-1

Round 4. Vs Archon Salaine Morn (Shirin Hassan)

The Dark Eldar mirror matchis horrific at best and I think the fact that we both played Archons Palace as our opening moves didn’t help matters either. This match went to the very last planet and sadly ended in my 2nd loss of the day. Was a very hard match though, I had pretty much choked her of cards but sadly she choked me or resources and due to having no resources I ended up on the losing side.

Loss 2-2

Round 5. Vs Talyesin Fharenal (Mark Challenger)

Another game where the card choke worked to perfection, I managed to win most of the command struggles and I stopped him from drawing cards where I could. The double team of Syren Zythlax and Solarite Avetys works really well. I managed to pretty much sweep all the planets until I won my victory condition planet, I think it was turn 4. My opponent was really cool though and I was good to play against another warlord that only saw 1 entrant in the event, the other being Swarmlord.

Won 3-2

Round 6. Vs Nazdreg ( Dan Mossman)

This game really surprised me, as soon as I saw Nazdreg across from me I figured that 3-3 was a respectable record and boy was I shocked when my opponent played 2 units on his first turn. I managed to pick up a lot of command and also win the first planet. The next turn looked a lot tighter for me as my opponent had 2 big hitting elite units (Venemous Fiend) out and they all but cleared planet 1 when they arrived. However a well timed Archons Terror managed to really help and I managed to go for a 3 planet sweep to pick up the win. I never really saw any choke in this game especially with it being so short a game and him only having 2 army units out. This again was another game that was really fun as my opponent was another cool guy. I was just hoping this win would take me into the top 16.

Won 4-2

Sadly I placed 17 / 51 in this event, a tad heartbreaking in the same manner I feel as the guy who came 9th, just missing the top cut and I do feel I could have done better had I not made the critical errors in the very first game. However it was a pleasant day and I met some pretty cool people.

A few local events coming up and I am gonna move away from Kith for a while as I feel like I have reached a peak with her. Got my eyes on a couple of different builds moving forward and very excited to try them out.

Thanks for reading. I’m Big Boss.... I’m Out.... Peace.


Saturday, 18 June 2016

Warhammer 40,000 Conquest Midland Regional Championship 18th June 2016.

What a day, was really chuffed to see a 36 player turnout, and to have the current world champion be there was a little exciting also. After a lot of soul searching I decided to run the dreaded Packmaster Kith, I have been playing Kith on and off since I started playing Conquest and despite playing Ragnar quite successfully in recent tournaments, I decided to fall back to my original love for this rather large event.

This version of my Packmaster Kith deck had only played 1 game prior to the event, I had switched out the Eldar allies for Chaos allies and I was very unsure if they would work, but after discussing it on CardGameDB and with some of my friends, I made the commitment to choose Chaos as my ally for this build.

Round 1 – Vs Paul, playing Subject Omega

This was probably the most fun I had during the tournament, we had a bit of a laugh while playing and the guy was pretty cool. The thing I probably noted from this game was that I never saw 1 Chaos card during the whole game. I think I managed to get the victory here through planets as far as I remember.

Round 1 – Win – 1-0

Round 2 – Vs. Darren, playing Chaplin Mavros

I think this chap had used his bye to skip the first round, I had decided to not cash in my bye for this event, I figure I will save it for the next regional I plan on going to. I have had great success with Kith when playing Space Marines in previous games and so I wasn’t overly worried. I choked him of his economy, and then piled on to pick up the win and get me my 2nd victory. Once again though, I must note that I never saw a single Chaos card during this game.

Round 2 – Win -2-0

Round 3 – Vs. Pehjmon, playing Anrakyr The Traveller
Ok, so I have not really played against Necrons properly yet, despite having a clue what this warlord could do, I have never actually seen what he can do and this was an intense match for me. However, I won a lot of command, stopped him gaining resources with my Archon’s Palace and then finally got to see my Chaos Allies put in some work after warpstorming his HQ to decimate his forces and with his warlord only having 1 HP left, he decided to call it GG there.

Round 3 – Win -3-0

We then had a spot of lunch, if you must know; I went to Burger King and had a Bacon Double Cheeseburger XL meal. It was lovely too. Not had BK in a few weeks. HA!

Round 4 – Vs. Sarah, playing as Ragnar Blackmane

This game did not last as long as I thought it would, I steamrolled command and never went anywhere near Ragnar with Kith. Sarah made a massive error by not activiating her Primal Howl, and once she realised her error, I think she had mentally threw in the towel and I didn’t take long before she conceded.

Round 4 – Win -4-0

Round 5 – Vs. Daniel, playing as Eldorath Starbane

Ok, so both of us are currently 4-0, I saw Starbane and thought “Well it was good while it lasted” however on my victory condition planet, my opponent decided to go to planet 2 in order to win his command and this was just silly, leaving his one major unit on planet 1 ready to be hit by a Klaviex Warleader and my Solarite finished the job. So after 5 rounds of swiss I managed to get a 5-0 record.

Round 5- Win -5-0

Top 8 game – Vs James, playing as Zarathur

Well this went pretty much as expected, I hit the command hard here and I bloodied Zarathur pretty quickly. Sadly my opponent had to get going but this did mean that I got a ticket into the semi-finals and secured me all buy the 1st place prize.

Top 8 – Win -6-0

Semi Final Game – Stefan, playing as Archon Salaine Morn

Well, this was a boring game, I kind of knew how it would go also, I do think that Kith cannot get ahead of the economy of Morn and it showed in this game. I started out pretty strong but once Morn had her resources I was pretty much over for me and sadly I fell at this critical hurdle. But I must admit I had a great time and TBH if I had gotten into the final game I probably would have just fallen asleep, as I was really exhausted at this point and was ready for home.

Semi Final – Loss – 6-1

I would like to note that we were given additional prizes for being the best in faction, we were given some custom planet dials which were very nice and it was a bit of a shame that I had already purchased one from the same supplier prior to the event off eBay. Man down. However, still pretty stoked to get another little something for the effort I had gone to. Overall I was very happy with the whole day and I very much like my haul of goodies. All my opponents were pretty sound and it was a pleasure to compete against them.

The next stop in the road now is the regional event at Firestorm Games on the 9th July 2016. I am not too sure who I intend on playing there but do think I will go with something a little more relaxed than Packmaster Kith.

So I will get this closed down now, thank you for reading.

I’m Big Boss...... I’m Out....... Peace!!

Sunday, 15 May 2016

Watchtower Games Spring Tournament 14th May 2016

I had ages to prepare for this tournament and still felt like I didn’t put in much as effort as I should have. I only finished my deck about 5 minutes before the 1st round. My deck list looked horrible written down, but luckily the score isn’t judged based on neatness of deck list writing. After a long drawn out process I decided that Packmaster Kith was the lady for the job, I really wanted the Shadowsun alternative card but I didn’t want to bring something too negative to play against like my previously used Ragnar Blackmane deck or my Broderick Worr deck (rather negative to play against considering how little effort went into making it) and yet I wanted to play something that could take me far if things went well. We had an 8 man turnout, so fewer than the previous tournament but we lost at least 4 local players due to other commitments and hopefully the next event will be bigger in turnout.
My deck list for today ended up as follows:
Packmaster Kith
10x Khymera Tokens
Army - 27
4x Kith’s Khymeramasters
3x Rogue Trader
3x Void Pirate
3x Klaivex Warleader
3x Warlock Destructor
3x Sllyth Mercenaries
3x Saim Han Kinsman
3x Bloodied Reavers
2x Syren Zythlax
Events 13
3x Archons Terror
2x Pact of the Haemonculi
2x Gut and pillage
3x Raid
3x Superiority
Attachments 7
1x Agonizer of Bren
3x Promotion
3x Shadow Field
Supports- 3
1x Khymera Den
2x Archons Palace
Round 1: Vs Shaun Jackson -  Swarmlord with Stalking Lictor – Win – 1-0
This was quite a scary game for me, Swarmlord can throw units out without needing resources due to his ability and I had also helped Shaun edit some cards in his deck prior to the event starting to get some more synergy. I did manage to win out on command though and managed to fend him off on planets 1 to 3 in order to pick up a win here. The 3rd planet fight was a bit close, was half tempted to let him have it, but after umming and ahhing I decided to go for the 3rd planet win. Luckily it paid off and I beat off the Swarmlord for a first round win.
Round 2: Vs Alistair (No idea what his last name is “SORRY”) – Captain Cato Saccarius – Win – 2-0
This was a surprise, as I knew he only had two core sets, so seeing him playing Cato was a little bit of a shock and I figured he would be using the Tyranids. This game was pretty cut and dry from round 1, I managed to win all but 1 command struggle and used Superiority to stop him winning the command that he did win. Sadly this was another case of winning on planet 3, as I rushed the next two planets to pick up the win. This game I felt was easier than the previous game, but Space Marines do have a high cost curve compared to Tyranids and this really helped me focus on the resource choke.
Round 3: Vs Robert Arrowsmith – Ragnar Blackman – Loss – 2-1
Well this game was ridiculous and probably resulted in me no longer caring when I made it to the top 4. Please do not get me wrong, I do not mean ridiculous in any way that reflects Rob’s playing but more my own and I will explain why. It was the 5th turn of the game, I did not notice that planet 1 was Rob’s win condition and me being a dumbass went to planet 3 because I thought his win condition was planet 2 instead. He had no cards in hand and no resources left, however he had enough to fend off my assault and this resulted in a 5th planet win for him. Stupid playing on my part and if I had sent my warlord to the first planet to I may picked up the win as I was 2 units off picking up the win.
Semi Final: Vs Ashley Simpson – Baharroth – Loss – 2-2
What game, this was a negative play experience if I had ever had one, I should have redone my starting hand as it really didn’t give me what I needed to do start off strong and win command struggles. Ash played really well and didn’t make any mistakes that I could take advantage of during this game. I had pretty much given up at this point though to be honest due to my stupid playing in the previous game and as I figured the Eldar vehicle deck would simply be too much for my swarm to handle I threw in the towel. Bit of a negative game there but think my attitude when I got to the top 4 was pretty “glass half empty” so it wasn’t even a shock when I lost. But fair play to Ash, he managed to play well and pick up a well earned 1st place after he won his finals game.
Was an enjoyable outing, started off really well and was starting to feel the flow of the deck when tragedy struck. However it was a nice turnout and always a pleasure to play conquest anyway. The next tournament for me is the regional event in June. Still deciding who to play moving forward, I’m tempted to stick with Packmaster Kith and see what I can do to stop making stupid mistakes during play. I could maybe rebuild my Ragnar Blackmane deck and take that with me to play with instead. Time will tell, I have a first round bye anyway due to my store championship win and that will give me a chance to scout people during the first round anyway.
Thanks for reading this, I really appreciate it and if you are looking to get into any card game I would really consider Warhammer 40,000 Conquest.
I’m Big Boss and I’m out.... Peace.

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Warhammer 40,000 Conquest- 4th Planet Games Store Championship – 20th March 2016

Was a very nice quiet drive to Wrexham for this event, was a very excited for the tournament as this is what I had been building towards with my Ragnar Blackmane deck, this was the final stop on my journey and I could see the potential light at the end of the tunnel, a first round bye at a regional event. There was a small turnout of 5 players, which was still pretty cool considering the TO was only expecting 2 originally and everyone seemed pretty friendly too which always helps.  

My first round game was against a chap named Matthew, who was piloting Commander Shadowsun, this was my first encounter against Shadowsun while I had been running Blackmane and Matt seemed like a sound fella. Sadly it was reminiscent of my first round game on the 19th March 2016, the chap had little experience and I managed to pick up the victory pretty quickly. A nice way to start though!

1st Round – Win – 1-0

For my 2nd round I managed to get a bye, worried me a little tbh as I figured strength of schedule would end up being the determining factor for the winner (true story) and I figured this would hurt my chances of picking up 1st place.

2nd Round – Bye – 2-0

In my final game of the day I got paired up with Mark, who was running Cato Siccarius, I was quite confident here as I have played Cato multiple times and managed to come out ahead. It was a good game, had a few shock moments when Mark’s first move was dropping a dreadnought at planet 1. Freaked me out a little I will be honest and I worked hard to avoid it. I won this match after a warlord KO putting at 15 points on the score sheet.

3rd Round – Win - 3-0

3 rounds of swiss later we did not need to go to a cut and after the TO painstakingly worked our strength of schedule it turned out that I had just scrapped the first place. Was a good event, everyone seemed friendly and I would happily go to another event there too.  Moving forward I am really looking forward to playing at a regional event, will be a great experience I think and a first round bye certainly helps my scores going into the event.

Thanks for reading this, if you are interested in picking up an LCG I would certainly recommend Conquest and must admit that this is one of the best card games I have ever played; trust me I have played a lot. So please support this amazing game if have any interest in Warahmmer 40K or card games in general.

I’m Big Boss.... I’m out..... Peace


Saturday, 19 March 2016

Warhammer 40,000 Conquest – 19th March 2016 – Watchtower Games Tournament Report

So, I took Ragnar Blackmane, for this, the first Warhammer 40,000 Conquest tournament at Watchtower Games and my initial thoughts when I saw a 10 man turnout were pretty nerve wracking in all honesty. I was however excited at the prospect of playing some new people and even people I hadn’t played in a while so I got myself all psyched for a good day. I will make a quick point of saying that I do not remember most of the moves or rounds of these games but if any jumps to mind I will try to note them.
My first game was against a new player, James, who rocked up with Commander Starblaze. From initial plays I could tell that James had a very limited selection of cards available and even by his own admission had only played about 5 games prior to our encounter. I managed to win this game after killing his warlord; I can’t remember which turn it was and despite never facing a Tau deck with Blackmane I did feel like this wasn’t a true test for the deck.
1st Round – Win – 1-0
The second game saw me taking on my eventual finals opponent Josh, who was piloting Zarathur and a pretty solid build at that. However I tend not to leave much to chance with this warlord because of his ability to really put a damper on my day and I recall putting this one to bed pretty early with the warlord KO to keep this momentum going.
2nd Round – Win – 2-0
After a spot of lunch we came back for our 3rd round which saw me take on the player I really wanted to have a game against, Dave, who was piloting Nazdreg and I wanted to play against Dave as I hadn’t managed to test Blackmane against him prior to the tournament. This game saw me pick up the win after winning battles at 3 straight planets; the last planet was a real test as nothing screams challenge like a 10HP unit with Brutal! Good game and had plenty of laughs.
3rd Round – Win – 3-0
After 3 rounds of swiss we went to a top 4 cut, my semi-final opponent was not overly happy getting me as his opponent since he had played against my Ragnar deck 3 times prior and had never managed a win. Robert was piloting Cato Siccarius, so this match was Space Marine vs. Space Marine and resulted in a victory by planet icons. It was a tougher game than I expected but was pretty chuffed to have ousted him from the tournament prior to the finals.... Sorry Bro!
Semi Final – Win – 4-0
The finals, wow, not going to lie I was pretty chuffed at this stage and was amped for Josh who got into the finals after managing to overthrow Old One Eye in an epic battle in his semi final game. This game was a lot more involved than our first encounter during this event and had a little more back forth to it. However I managed to win the planets I needed to grab the big W and take 1st place.
Finals – Win – 5-0
I won a playmat that I gave away to one of the other players and the usual promo bits. This tournament was more to see what interest there was in the local area and to test Ragnar out before going to a store championship with him. My Ragnar deck is now 15- 1 following this event and I am also hoping that this luck will carry on for the store championship. I hope to keep a record of that event also and maybe try a mini write up like this for that event also.
Thanks for reading this, if you are interested in picking up an LCG I would certainly recommend Conquest and must admit that this is one of the best card games I have ever played; trust me I have played a lot. So please support this amazing game if have any interest in Warahmmer 40K or card games in general.
I’m Big Boss.... I’m out..... Peace

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Warhammer 40,000 Conquest: The Road to the 19th March 2016

I have chosen to write an article, I know mad right? I haven’t done one in a while and I figured it was simply because I hadn’t been inspired to actually write anything, you may have even noticed a lack of WWE content coming from my cohorts over at SOS also and don’t worry we are looking to resolve this as soon as possible.

I wanted to move back a little with what I write about and this time I will be discussing one of my favourite past times, Warhammer 40,000 Conquest, by Fantasy Flight Games. I first heard about this game shortly after it was actually announced and was straight away on the bandwagon before they even stated a release date. I knew I wanted to play as the sinister Dark Eldar faction, one of my favourite factions in the actual table top game and one of my favourite factions regarding the 40K lore also.

I originally only planned to take the helm of the Chaos and Dark Eldar factions, both I played in the table top game and both have a great lore attached to them. Dark Eldar was my primary focus however I eventually ended up procuring pretty much all the factions for one reason or another and I took a bit of a like to Ragnar Blackmane, the 2nd Space Marines faction warlord released. I’m not overly familiar with the Space Wolves in the table top game but I found myself thinking about what a cool warlord Blackmane could be. At this time I also found myself watching a lot of videos posted up by the Hive Tyrant on YouTube and wound up watching a video interview with the runner up at the 2015 world championships, who played as Ragnar Blackmane.

I noted his deck list down as it really appealed to me and almost was exactly what I had imagined what I would play in Ragnar with a few certain exceptions. I paid close attention to the interview and made a lot of mental notes on how Seth (2nd at worlds) felt about how to play the deck, I can’t even lie; I agreed with pretty much everything he said also. I personally feel like Space Marines are one of the few factions that do not require allies to be used as they have so much scope with what they can do in a game and their cards really lend themselves to Blackmane’s ability. I should probably note here what he actually does though:

Ragnar Blackmane:
Faction: Space Marines
Hand Size: 7
Resources: 7
Ability: Reaction: After your warlord commits to a planet with an enemy warlord, deal 2 damage to a target enemy unit at that planet.

Now when you think that there are 2 ways to win a game of conquest, kill your opponent’s warlord or claim 3 planets with the same icon. This ability is spectacular, not only does it target your opponents warlord should you wish, it can also target another army unit at the same planet and that means you can thin your opponents herd before the combat even begins.

Luckily Ragnar’s signature squad also aids in his plan to lynch your opponent’s warlord, as if you chose to you can move any number of the ‘Blackmane’s Sentinels’ from other planets to the planet where your warlord commits to. Not a bad move to make when you want to make that final attack or even scare your opponents warlord away from a planet you want to fulfil your win condition.

If you also look at Ragnar’s signature event card ‘Blackmane's Hunt’ which allows you to recommit your warlord to an adjacent planet after you have committed your warlord. This card can be fantastic in so many ways, from allowing you to successfully hit your opponent’s warlord with your ability if you haven’t committed to the same planet as your opponent. Also allowing you to hit your opponent’s warlord with your ability and then jump to the adjacent planet to conduct a battle there should you have no interest in battling your opponent’s warlord directly that turn.

Looking to the other Space Marine specific cards to see what aids in Blackmane’s Hunt (Yes there is a pun there) we get an automatic include in the form of ‘Drop Pod Assault’ with the wonderful text: “Target a planet where a battle is taking place. Search the top 6 cards of your deck for a [Space Marine] unit with printed cost 3 or lower. Put that unit into play at the targeted planet, and place the remaing cards on the bottom of your deck in any order.” OMG right? So you can drop a potentially nasty unit to a planet where your opponent’s warlord is attempting to battle it out and potentially deal that killing blow to the enemy warlord. If you just look at the options for a cost 3 unit with Space Marines you are looking at some pretty tough hard hitting units straight off the bat:

1.       Blood Angels Veterans (Core Set)
3 ATK and 3HP
While this unit is ready, it gains, “Interrupt: When this unit is assigned damage, prevent 1 of that damage.”

2.       Honoured Librarian (Core Set)
4 ATK and 2HP
Enemy units cannot attack this unit while you control a unit not named “Honored Librarian” at this planet.

3.       White Scars Bikers (Gift of the Ethereals)
2ATK and 3HP
This unit gets +2 ATK while it is at a planet with a warlord.

4.       Veteran Brother Maxos (Core Set)
2ATK and 3HP
Combat Action: Pay the printed cost of a [SPACE MARINE] unit in your hand to put it into play at this planet.

Straight away you have the options of some great hard hitting units that if any were to be dropped at a planet with an enemy warlord could spell certain doom for that warlord. My personal favourite is the ‘White Scars Bikers’, simply because they get that extra attack power when at a planet with a warlord and that’s never a bad thing when you are trying to get into combat with them. However there is something to be said about the ‘Veteran Brother Maxos’ suddenly being dropped in front of an enemy horde, he can then use his ability to drop in more Space Marine units’ from your hand dependant on resources available to you.

Veteran Brother Maxos’ also provides you the ability to drop in smaller Space Marine units, possibly drawn through command struggle victories and this could also allow you to throw in some cheap hitters to aid you in your determined victory condition. When using the ‘Drop Pod Assault’ I would always try to drop in a 3 cost unit to maximise the value you are getting from the event itself and would leave dropping in any units such as ‘Tactical Squad Cardinis’ or ‘10th Company Scout’ to Maxos as this means you can use your resources to buy larger units to begin with.

Other Space Marine faction cards are fantastic such as ‘Crushing Blow’ which allows you to deal 1 point of unpreventable damage when a Space Marine unit successfully deals damage to an enemy unit and this card teamed with your warlord’s ability can lead to some massive damage being thrown at your opponent in short succession, as you can trigger the effect of ‘Crushing Blow’ off your warlords printed ability.

Another card that I find an staple with this warlord when you are attempting to hunt down your opponent’s warlord is the ‘Eager Recruit’, this unit has the AMBUSH keyword allowing you to drop this unit into play during the combat phase and may also turn the tide in a battle where your opponents warlord is present. This unit teamed with the previously mentioned cards can be a sure fire way to beat your opponents warlord by sheer amount of sneak attacks.

One of the other shining stars of this strategy is the ‘Primal Howl’ event card and this cracking card allows you to draw 3 cards when your warlord commits to the same planet as the opposing warlord. Also for an additional boost it also has 2 shield icons it is exceptionally good in this deck when you hoping to be in a position to use this effect as often as possible.

Okay so following this quick brief I will reveal for those who care, the deck list that came 2nd in the world championship in 2015:

Total Cards: 50

Army Unit (29)
3x 10th Company Scout (Core Set)
4x Blackmane Sentinel (The Howl of Blackmane)
3x Blood Angels Veterans (Core Set)
3x Eager Recruit (Core Set)
3x Honored Librarian (Core Set)
3x Rogue Trader (Core Set)
2x Tactical Squad Cardinis (Core Set)
2x Veteran Brother Maxos (Core Set)
3x Void Pirate (Core Set)
3x White Scars Bikers (Gift of the Ethereals)

Attachment (4)
1x Frostfang (The Howl of Blackmane)
3x Promotion (Core Set)

Event (16)
2x Blackmane’s Hunt (The Howl of Blackmane)
3x Crushing Blow (Gift of the Ethereals)
3x Drop Pod Assault (Core Set)
2x Exterminatus (Core Set)
3x Indomitable (Core Set)
3x Primal Howl (Descendants of Isha)

Support (1)

1x Ragnar’s Warcamp (The Howl of Blackmane)

I actually cannot describe how much I like this deck, I must admit to net decking this to use (much to a friend’s annoyance) and so far I have seen a great deal of success with it. One thing that does strike me about this deck is that it does not include any allied faction cards and this is not a bad thing. I actually share a lot of opinions with Seth when he is discussing this deck with the Hive Tyrant on his YouTube channel.  I am not a big fan of supports so this works perfectly for me, I do feel that adding allies to this deck would weaken one of my major combat tricks, ‘Drop Pod Assault’ and I would say that based on my preferred play style this is a great deck for me.

However, nothing is perfect and as of late I have been looking at ways to alter this deck to keep it as focused but to give it my own personal twist. One card I have considered putting in is ‘Know No Fear’, a deploy action that allows you to move up to 3 Space Marine units from your HQ to separate planets. I LOVE this card, I think when used with your ‘Blackmane’s Sentinels’ it can be a great way of getting those units to your warlords next target planet in a ready state or even  to set the stage for a warlord bloodying that turn. The main question is, what do I take out to replace it?

At first glance I am going to suggest ‘Promotion’, primarily because while I have had a few games with this deck already I have yet to really use this card in any way that could be considered critical to my victory. Putting the extra two command icons onto an army unit is useful in itself but I found that if I think they will be sniped by my opponent’s warlord of if I feel like they will lose the command I do tend to send Ragnar to reinforce, often triggering his ability and / or stealing command.

Another option I was thinking of pulling from this deck is ‘Exterminatus’, this card has also seen little to no play since using this deck and becomes a candidate for removal simply for that fact. However on the flip side of that, when I have been able to put this card into use it has done me a massive service and even possibly helped me pick up the win in the game I played the card.

I am hoping to take this deck to a local store championship late March 2016, so I may test out these different variations to involve ‘Know No Fear’ in the deck as I really believe it could be a positive inclusion in the deck.

I also wanted to look into the units contained within the deck also, now with the release of the Decree of War pack we have seen the release of the ‘Lone Wolf’ a new unit that has the following: ‘Action: Exhaust this unit to move it to a target planet with an enemy warlord and without any units you control.’ With 3 attack value and 3 hit points, this unit has all the potential in the world to fight it out with an enemy warlord for a favourable conclusion. The main question is what do I take out for this card?

I really do not want to be taking out the ‘White Scars Bikers’ as they are a smashing unit when going up against a warlord or even on a planet with your warlord. My first thought was to take out the ‘Blood Angels Veterans’ for the simple reason they have the same stats as the ‘Lone Wolf’ and the later unit providing the bonus of being able to move to another planet to fight your opponents warlord. The negative effect of this swap would be that the veterans are able to negate a point of damage dealt to them when they are ready which can be a life saver in a battle of attrition with other Space Marines or even Ork opponents.

The other readily available option to switch out is the ‘Honoured Librarian’, with 4 attack value this unit is a monster and also the fact it cannot be attacked while you control another unit not named ‘Honoured Librarian’ keeps it safe while you are able to stop your other units being killed, so in a tag team with the for mentioned ‘Blood Angels Veterans’ it can be one hard guy to kill off. However with every strength there is a weakness and this unit is burdened with only 2 hit points, meaning that any opponent playing a lot of Area Effect can cause this unit a lot of trouble and easily remove it before any serious attack can come from it. The ‘Lone Wolf’ however has 3 hit points, giving it a little more survivability in big skirmishes and even when going head to head with a warlord unit.

In review I have even considered switching out the 2 copies of ‘Tactical Squad Cardinis’, with there only being 2 copies in the deck and in my local meta Area Effect sees little play on the whole. However upon thinking back to the few games that I have had with this deck, I must admit that in my first game using this build I played both of them onto my victory condition planet and they actually helped significantly in winning the game. I also started to think that if I took this deck to an event not local to me that I may encounter more low cost builds such as Dark Eldar or Tyranids and I concluded that removing this card would probably cause a detriment further down the line.

Even after reviewing options available from other factions that could be included in this deck, I have yet to really be happy with any of the options available and the closest I have come to including an allied faction would be the Astra Militarium unit ‘Elysian Assault Team’, and simply because I would be able to drop it for free at a planet where I would lose a solider or warrior unit, shockingly quite common in this deck. However as addressed previously in order to include this I would have to decrease the number of Space Marines in the deck, therefore decreasing the odds of getting a unit out when using my ‘Drop Pod Assault’ and this card missing would be devastating during a combat turn when it would be critical for me to hit something.

After careful consideration I decided to make some changes but simply decrease the amount of certain cards and remove one particular unit from the deck. To test the progress of these changes, I am currently noting a game diary with my version of the deck and I hope to see if the changes I have made will actually make a difference to the deck in a positive way. Should this turn out to not be the case I will simply readjust the deck and try again, if everything fails to provide decent results I will simply revert back to the original deck list.

Here is the deck list now that I have made some changes highlighted:

Army Unit (29)
3x 10th Company Scout  (Core Set)
4x Blackmane Sentinel  (The Howl of Blackmane)
3x Lone Wolf (Decree of Ruin)
3x Eager Recruit  (Core Set)
3x Honored Librarian  (Core Set)
3x Rogue Trader  (Core Set)
2x Tactical Squad Cardinis  (Core Set)
2x Veteran Brother Maxos  (Core Set)
3x Void Pirate  (Core Set)
3x White Scars Bikers  (Gift of the Ethereals)

Attachment (3)
1x Frostfang  (The Howl of Blackmane)
2x Promotion  (Core Set)

Event (17)
2x Blackmane’s Hunt  (The Howl of Blackmane)
3x Crushing Blow  (Gift of the Ethereals)
3x Drop Pod Assault  (Core Set)
1x Exterminatus  (Core Set)
3x Indomitable  (Core Set)
3x Primal Howl  (Descendants of Isha)
2x Know No Fear (Gift of the Ethereals)

Support (1)
1x Ragnar’s Warcamp  (The Howl of Blackmane)

Nothing too drastic changed, I wanted to keep all the cards in there really, but you can’t make an omelette without breaking some eggs. I really wanted to keep ‘Exterminatus’ in the deck as I love it when your opponent builds up on a planet and you just clear it in one card, so I dropped it to 1 copy as it is very useful still. I also just straight swapped my ‘Blood Angels Veterans’ for the ‘Lone Wolf’.

I took the deck and had a 5 games with it, making changes as I went based on how I felt the deck played with the changes I had made originally and I came to a couple of conclusions as a result of these games. I decided I needed ‘Exterminatus’ more than I needed ‘Know No Fear’, so I decided to only include 1 copy as a backup measure. For the ‘Lone Wolf’ I simply decided against it after replacing the ‘Blood Angels Veterans’ for 4 games, I never managed to use their ability once and I decided to revert back to the veterans, who were far more useful in my 5th tester game against Eldar.
As a result of these games the deck has changed again and I am hoping that this will  be the final cut of this deck and it lists as follows:
Army Unit (29)
3x 10th Company Scout  (Core Set)
4x Blackmane Sentinel  (The Howl of Blackmane)
3x Blood Angels Veterans (Core Set)
3x Eager Recruit  (Core Set)
3x Honored Librarian  (Core Set)
3x Rogue Trader  (Core Set)
2x Tactical Squad Cardinis  (Core Set)
2x Veteran Brother Maxos  (Core Set)
3x Void Pirate  (Core Set)
3x White Scars Bikers  (Gift of the Ethereals)

Attachment (3)
1x Frostfang  (The Howl of Blackmane)
2x Promotion  (Core Set)

Event (17)
2x Blackmane’s Hunt  (The Howl of Blackmane)
3x Crushing Blow  (Gift of the Ethereals)
3x Drop Pod Assault  (Core Set)
2x Exterminatus  (Core Set)
3x Indomitable  (Core Set)
3x Primal Howl  (Descendants of Isha)
1x Know No Fear (Gift of the Ethereals)

Support (1)
1x Ragnar’s Warcamp  (The Howl of Blackmane)

Sadly after a lot of thinking and over planning there is only 1 change to this deck but I feel it will prove to be a good change and will help to get me some solid wins. I will also be keeping a log of how well this version of the deck plays in comparison to the original version of the deck and leading up to our first local tournament I want to make sure I am taking the most optimum version of this build, as I also intend to take this deck to a store championship a bit further away and I have my eyes on the prize (first round by at a regional), so I want to be as competitive as possible really.

For anyone still left at this stage of the article I would like to say thank you for sticking with it, this has been a real unproductive use of my work time so many thanks for indulging me and sticking around. I want to quickly shout out to my team mates over at SOS (@siteofshite) you can also follow me too (@bigboss010) and also recommend checking out The Hive Tyrant (@The_Hive_Tyrant) on YouTube for some Conquest videos and podcasts.

Hopefully I may even try this with other decks that I come up with that I want to expand upon or maybe just write up a tournament report… oooh that could be fun! Well that’s it and thanks for reading.

 I’m Big Boss and I’m out…. Peace!! J