
Sunday, 28 August 2016

Warhammer 40,000 Conquest LCG – Watchtower Games 27/8/2016 Summer Kit Event.

Ok I had already been to an event earlier this week and I had already won the main prize for this event so I didn’t want to turn up with anything too serious however I didn’t want to run something too soft. I had tempted fate and I built a Nahumekh deck built with an ELITE focus. I had only played one game with this deck before this event so I hadn’t really got much of a true idea of how the deck would work. It turned out not as well as I would have hoped.
The deck I took was as follows:
Total Cards: (50)
1x Nahumekh (Legions of Death)
Army Unit: (27)
4x Destroyer Cultist (Legions of Death)
3x Firedrake Terminators (The Threat Beyond)
3x Immortal Loyalist (Jungles of Nectavus)
2x Nightshade Interceptor (Legions of Death)
3x Rogue Trader (Core Set)
3x Venomous Fiend (Legions of Death)
3x Void Pirate (Core Set)
3x Warriors of Gidrim (Legions of Death)
3x Wildrider Vyper (What Lurks Below)
Attachment: (4)
1x The Staff of Command (Legions of Death)
3x Promotion (Core Set)
Event: (13)
2x Hate (Legions of Death)
3x Backlash (Legions of Death)
1x Extermination (Legions of Death)
1x Fall Back (Core Set)
3x Mechanical Enhancement (Legions of Death)
3x Reanimation Protocol (Legions of Death)
Support: (6)
1x Obedience (Legions of Death)
3x STC Fragment (Legions of Death)
2x Shroud Cruiser (Jungles of Nectavus)
As I hadn’t really played much with this deck at this point I wasn’t really aware of what I should keep and what I should change moving forward but this event was a great opportunity to do so.  We had an 8 player turnout for this event which isn’t as strong as previous events but some people simply weren’t able to get there this time. Still a strong turnout I think.
Round 1: Vs. Richard Watkins (Eldorath Starbane)
This game did not go as expected, Richard started really strong out of the gate and managed to win command pretty consistently during the first couple of turns, however the team of my Venomous Fiend and Nahumekh managed to clear them out and I quickly found myself with the dream team of Elite units out on the board and enough firepower to pick up the win myself. Richard is very new to the game and I still think this game could have gone either way, I think had we replayed this game it could have been different. However I managed to pick up the win this time.
Win – 1-0.
Round 2: Vs Joshua Johnson (Ku’Gath Plaguefather)
Now this went badly from turn one, I never got out of the gate, I think I only managed to get 1 elite out the whole game and I didn’t see an STC Fragment until the second to last turn of the game. We joked as my first game with Nahumekh was against this exact same deck and it went very differently, in fact it went the opposite with Josh not really getting my leverage and me picking up the win. So a bit of payback there for Josh. J
Loss – 1-1
Round 3: Vs Martin Smitherman (Urien Rakarth)
Now, again, another game where I never got out of the gate, I got one elite out turn 1 and he quickly removed that with Power From Pain and I never recovered. I had no cards in my hand but never saw any of my elites until the final rounds command step. I love Urien Rakarth and I do think moving forward in an elite heavy meta he will see more play as he can quickly work around those elite builds.
Loss – 1-2
Sadly not good enough to get into the top 4 cut with this result. However I did already have the prizes so I guess it was more for testing out the deck. I have already made some massive changes to the deck so moving forward I am hoping to have a bit more success. Was a good day though and I enjoyed the games I had, I really enjoyed the games I had after the event too and they were a bit of a laugh.
Another fun event put on by Watchtower Games in Crewe and anyone interested in gaming should certainly check them out. You can follow me on Twitter @bigboss010 and Instagram @bigbosstp010. Thanks for reading.
I’m Big Boss, I’m out.... Peace.

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